Friday, February 5, 2010

here is a new bracelet i made

here is a new bracelet i made i loved making it i had a good time i love beading and making jewlery it gives me something to do to pass my time i going to make some more stuff later on my mom was in the hospital since tuesday we got her home today she had her gall bladder took out. she is doing some better just real sore and hurting she goes next wenesday to get the staples out. its just going to take her a while to get going to be beading while i am home i hope to get some new beads soon. there is a bead show here close to me i want to go to it sunday or tomorrow. i can get some great beads for a great deal. well im going to go im very tired and hurting its raining here. i will add the pic of the bracelet




melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey Connie. I am here. I came to see your bracelet. WOW. You do fancy work! I don't think I am quite that advanced myself! That looks like beading crochet. NOpe. Can't do that yet! Mo

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

so glad you stopped just entered by leaving a comment.....