Thursday, April 16, 2009

hey everyone

hey everyone sorry i havent been around lately mom is doing about the same she has good days and then some bad ones yesterday she was confussed and talking none sense her co worker called me and i went and picked her up it took me a while to get her to leave she just kept on rambling about nothing so i got her to leave we got home she was so tired we went to see her reg dr to get her refered down to a dr at emory hospital to see if he can figure out what is going on. iam waiting on the call with the appt. i hope it will be soon. i just got off the phone with moms reg drs office we should have a appt with the specialist in a few days they will call me with the appt. i sure hope its soon.

well iam doing ok iam still hurting some but its under control. so as long as i take my meds iam ok the pain is manageable we had a good easter my brothers and family came and we had dinner we took pics. i will post them on here we had a good time my enjoyed it

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